Yoga Cancer

Online Yoga against cancer symptoms

Holistic Recovery Yoga With our yoga specialists 

Practice from the comfort of your home or hospital

Prancheta – 7

Yoga is a practical, cost-effective cancer management approach that has been shown to improve survival rates, reduce health care costs, support individual physical and mental health (Sulik et al. 2018). Up to 80% of cancers may be influenced by external factors, such as life style and the environment (WHO, Agency for cancer research; 2017). Yoga supports the conventional medical treatment methods and reduces treatment’s side effects. Nevertheless, yoga is unable to treat cancer it self, on its own (Cramer et al. 2017).

Make yoga accessible and safe

Let yoga give you the courage to take control, and become actively independent in your recovery
Yoga offers individually customisable, safe, graded exercise, for all types, all stages and all phases of cancer treatment
Practice yoga with, around and against cancer symptoms, with regard on contraindications
Meet the yoga cancer specialist that suits YOU


1 on 1 online yoga CLASSES

Practise with your laptop, digital tablet or phone from the comfort of your home or hospital

Principles of yoga

Movement and philosophical principles of yoga are keys to overcome the ordeal.

Effects and Principles

The Yoga Cancer Union approach was developed upon the combination of physiotherapeutic methods, traditional yoga practices and principles with regard on contraindications specific to each cancer type, stage and phase. The method is based on research and scientifically approved methods.

Movement > > > > > >
Acceptance > > > > > > > >
Detachment > > > > > > >
Trust > > > > > > > > > >
< < < < < < < Discipline
< < < < < < < Concentration
< < < < < < < Intention
< < < < < < < < Compassion

Practicing yoga and acting in parallel with strictly conventional medical approaches enhances our body’s resources. The “price” to pay is to lead a more fully conscious, more balanced, and, in the end, more beautiful life

We have the answers  

How can i receive notifications?

For the moment, push notifications are only available on Android. However, we are working to have it also in IOS. To receive them, you must activate the notification permission once you see the pop-up that appears in your first interaction with your Yoga Teacher. If you do not accept the activation of notifications, please notice that you will have to clear your browser history next time in order to give permission again. Regardless of your operating system, Yogacancer will also notify you by email. 

How do I know I am talking to Yoga Teachers ?

Yogacancer verifies the identity of all registered Yoga Teachers, guaranteeing their Certification.

Does Yogacancer store my personal data and information securely?

Yes. We value the protection of our users' data. The Secure Socket Layer tests (SSL test) performed gave us a A+ security rating, which is above the results demonstrated by many banking institutions, so we can assure you that we are using industry-standard security levels to protect all your data and records. We also emphasize that your personal information is not shared and that your clinical data is only visible to you and your Yoga Teacher.

How do I pay? What are the methods of payment?

We will ask for your payment details after the Yoga Teacher has answered. At that time, when you insert them, you will unlock the conversation and the maximum amount stipulated by the Yoga Teacher will be retained. At the moment we provide as a payment method, debit and credit cards.

How much will the Yoga session cost?

The maximum price for each Yoga Session is set by the Yoga teacher. You can check this amount in your Yoga teacher's profile. 

How can i ask for an invoice?

If you wish to have an invoice, you must put your tax number in the appropriate field for that, at the moment you pay.

Ready to start?

Become actively independent in your recovery

Prancheta – 5